Monday, April 7, 2014


Most girls like to buy shoes cause they look cute..

Or some buy them cause they are the latest fashion...

Others buy for dependability...

When you buy shoes what do you look for?

I look for style and comfort also for dependability. When I look for a shoe I thoroughly research them. Not because I am a penny pincher, but because I want to get my moneys worth. When I was in high school I had 4 pairs of shoes. That was it. Dress shoes for youth group, flip flops for summer, safety step shoes for work and vans for regular walking. As time goes by the amount of shoes went from 4 to a lot more. I purchased shoes left and right just as much a man would buy car parts or a child would want to have their parent buy them a toy. I had 20 pairs of shoes at one time. That is a lot of shoes....

Now I have 5 pairs of shoes I wear regularly. 10 shoes if you count ones I hardly wear. Recently I have found a pair that I wear 12 hours a day. They fit the build. They are stylish, and they are perfect. What shoe am I talking about? Want to know? B.O.C. I heard they were the best and that they were compared to Dansko. Which are really expensive but also very GOOD. I have been through 3 different types of shoes to find ones that I would like. One of which was air walk ones that were the ones that worked well but sadly fell apart after a few short months. The second one I have tried we Doc Martens, They were huge worked ok. But by the end of the day my feet hurt so bad. I hardly could walk once I got home. I dreaded putting on those shoes again.
I labeled them the "Zombie Killers". Sadly I used these for a month and was ready for a different pair of shoes. So I started to ask my friends what shoe they liked. Well after asking Amy, A friend I went on the serach for the perfect shoe. I have found them. I love them. I want another pair.

Absolutely love them. B.O.C. I hope by them time you are done reading this that you will go to famous footwear and buy a pair. I swear by these shoes.

What are you doing still reading my blog... go now buy them your feet will thank you.